Vendor Applications


The Voluntown Farmers’ Market is currently accepting applications for our 2025 Market Season, July 13- October 5 on Sundays from 10 AM-1 PM.

We are located in front of the Voluntown Elementary School, 195 Main Street (Route 138).

Season fee: $50, Guest Spot fee: $25.

All of the information needed to apply can be found in the links below. Completed applications and additional paperwork can be mailed to:  Voluntown Farmers’ Market, c/o Voluntown Economic Development Commission, PO Box 96, Voluntown, CT 06384  or email to

Completed applications and additional paperwork can be mailed to:  Voluntown Farmers’ Market, c/o Voluntown Economic Development Commission, PO Box 96, Voluntown, CT 06384  or emailed to .

Please make sure that included with the completed application is:

  • A check made out to: Town of Voluntown
  • A copy of the Voluntown Farmers’ Market Rules & Regulations initialed at the bottom to show the understanding of the rules and regulations
  • A copy of certificate of insurance showing at least one million dollars in liability insurance coverage and listing the Town of Voluntown , 115 Main Street, Voluntown, CT 06384 
  • Any UNCAS Health documents if applicable
  • A Copy of any certificates and licenses needed for products being sold.


“The Voluntown Farmers’ Market is here to serve the people of Voluntown by providing locally grown, fresh, high quality produce and products, and to provide local farmers, producers and artisans with an economic outlet within Voluntown.  The Voluntown Farmers’ Market further strives to bring more foot traffic to Main Street, providing local merchants with the opportunity to strengthen their businesses and keep the town center economically viable.”
– The Mission Statement of the Voluntown Farmers’ Market, sponsored by the Voluntown Economic Development Commission