Voluntown Business Directory

Updated 9/19/24

To Voluntown Economic Development Committee sponsors the printing of the Voluntown Business Directory. The business directory is printed in booklet form and disseminated around Voluntown and neighboring towns.

If you are a local business owner and would like your business to be included in our directory, or if you notice any errors, please send an email to EDC@voluntown.gov .


Voluntown Volunteer Fire Department (non-emergency): 860-376-0475,  Facebook,  Instagram

State Police Troop E (Montville) Administrative calls: 860-848-6565 / 800-953-8868 Dispatch assistance: 860-848-6500 / 800-953-7747

Voluntown Town Hall, 115 Main Street, Voluntown, CT 06384  Facebook, Instagram

Voluntown Recreation Commission: Facebook, Instagram
Voluntown Economic Development Commission: Facebook
Voluntown Farmers’ Market: Facebook, Instagram

Assessors Office: 860-376-3927
Building Official: 860-376-3867
Selectmen’s Office: 860-376-5880
Tax Collector: 860-376-0453
Town Clerk: 860-376-4089

Voluntown Public Library: 107 Main Street, Voluntown, CT 06384 860-376-0485  Friends of the Library Newsletter, Writers group, Book Club, Knitting/Crochet Group, Children’s Saturday Story Time, and more. Follow on Facebook. 

Voluntown School District: 195 Main Street, Voluntown, CT 06384
Superintendent’s Office: 860-376-9167
Voluntown Elementary School: 860-376-2325, Facebook, Instagram

Superintendent’s office: 860-376-9167

NECCOG Animal Services: 860-774-1253, Animal control

CT Department of Environmental and Emergency Protection (DEEP): Pachaug State Forest, Route 49, P.O. Box 5, Voluntown, CT 06384 860-376-4075

Town Sanitation – UNCAS Health District: 860-823-1189 Ext 113

Voluntown/Sterling Transfer Station:  514 Brown Road, Voluntown, CT 860-564-7750

Voluntown Business Directory


Deb’s Pet Sitting: Debbie Leroux, 860-774-1418 Pet care and animal-sitting

Hemlock Brook Kennels: Sharon Ruppel, 860-376-5951 hemlocksaussies@sbcglobal.net 71 N. Shore Road, Voluntown, CT 06384 Boarding kennel for dogs and cats; breeders of Australian Shepherds K-9

NECCOG Animal Services: 860-774-1253  Animal control

Pachaug Animal Hospital and Pet Supplies 860-376-2544, 156 Preston City Road (Rte. 165), Voluntown, CT 06384 [E2] Veterinary clinic, 860-376-2544 Pet food, supplies, toys and treats

Twin Pines Equine Veterenarian Services, LLC:  860-376-4373 Emergency: 860-245-TWIN,  1130 Voluntown Road (Rte. 138), Griswold, CT Equine ambulatory veterinary service


D & R Auto Sales and Repair: 860-376-5502 216 Preston City Rd., Voluntown, CT 06384

Shell Gas Station: 860-376-3007 251 Main Street (Rte.138), Voluntown, CT 06384  Gasoline and diesel

Sunny’s Food and Fuel: 860-376-3120 129 Main Street (Rte. 138), Voluntown, CT 06384 Gasoline and diesel, Facebook


Split Ends Hair Studio: 860-376-4848 1069 Voluntown Road, Griswold, CT 06384 Facebook, Haircuts, specialty haircuts, cosmetics, cosmetic supplies

Tammy’s Barber Shop: 843-333-7780, 16 Church Street, Voluntown, CT 06384  Men, women, and kids walk-ins welcome


Henderson Roofing: 35 Crestview Drive, Westerly, RI, 401-615-2224

John Materas General Contractor:  860-376-2279 288 Beach Pond Road (Rtes. 138 & 165), Voluntown, CT 06384 Construction Company

Peak Home Inspections, LLC: 860-376-4840 65 Wylie School Road, Voluntown, CT 06384 Real estate inspection

Schulze Landscaping:  860-376-5930 106 Ekonk Hill Road, Voluntown, CT 06384 Landscape counseling and planning (architectural & engineering services)

T R Corcoran Roofing Company: 860-889-3554 Tim & Debi Corcoran, 679 Shetucket Turnpike, Voluntown, CT 06384 Roofing services


Circle C Campground: 1-800-424-4534 circle@comcast.net 21 Bailey Pond Road, Voluntown, CT 06384  Tent, camper and cabin camping; swimming pond

Final Shot Paintball: (Playing Field), 860-376-5114 finalshotpaintball@live.com, 96 Ekonk Hill Road Paintball playing fields, event locations (birthdays, bachelor parties,)

Natures Campsites:  860-376-4203 Facebook 96 Ekonk Hill Road (Rte. 49), Voluntown, CT 06384  Camper and cabin rentals; canoe and kayak rentals; swimming pool, paintball, basketball court, playground, Wi-Fi

Pachaug Bait Shed: 413-537-4975, 86 Gate Street, Voluntown, CT 06384, pachaugbait@gmail.com,  Full service bait shop

Pachaug State Forest: 860-376-4075 219 Ekonk Hill Road (Rte. 49), Voluntown, CT 06384 Fishing, hunting, camping, horse camping, hiking, canoeing and kayaking

River Ridge Golf Course: 860-376-3288 (public welcome) 259 Preston Road (Rte. 164), Griswold, CT 06351 Club rentals, restaurant, golf carts, and pro shop


Bethel Community United Methodist Church: 860-376-2255 1 Rixtown Road, Griswold, CT 06351

Beth Jacob Synagogue: 860-886-2459,  400 New London Tpke. Norwich, CT 06360

First Congregational Church: 860-376-2682, 878 Voluntown Road (Rte. 138), Griswold, CT 06351

Living Word Fellowship: 860-376-6577,  512 Beach Pond Road (Rte. 165), Voluntown, CT 06384

Saints Thomas and Anne Roman Catholic Church: 860-376-8352 (Parish Hall)  stthomasvoluntown@yahoo.com 61 Preston City Road (Rte. 165), Voluntown, CT 06384

Voluntown Baptist Church: 860-376-9485, 52 Main Street (Rte. 138), Voluntown, CT 06384


Ekonk Community Grange: Ekonk Hill Road (Rte. 49) at the Voluntown/Sterling line

Finnish Farmers Independent Club, Aura Seura: 860-376-4833 or 8100 Lily Rafeldt, 51 Lillibridge Avenue (Aura Hall), Voluntown, CT 06384

Voluntown Peace Trust: 860-376-9970,  539 Beach Pond Road (Rte.165), Voluntown, CT 06384 [D4] On-site educational programs; available for parties, conferences, retreats and events

Voluntown Senior Citizens: (55 and older) Meets first Monday of the month. Lunch at 12:00 followed by meeting at 1:00 pm. Voluntown Fire House 205 Preston City Rd., (Rte. 165), Voluntown, CT 06384


Federal K9 & Protection Services:  Pamela DeVeau-Delaney 860-376-1053 fk9ps@protonmail.com

Risky Business Incident Management, LLC:  Bob Panko, 860-564-8310 / 305-323-1385  All-risk (emergency, disaster and wildland fire) incident management training, coaching, planning & mentoring at the federal, state and local level. FEMA certified.

Steve The Computer Guy:  Steve Gruchauka, MS, 860-376-8726, steve@stevethecomputerguy.com Computers, servers, networks. Troubleshoot, repair, install, consult, design and research. Microsoft certified professional

Touching Clients: April Heavens-Woodcock, 800-631-2217, Facebook and Twitter Specialists in online, social media marketing for small business

WRP Investments, INC: David Gladue, 330-759-2023 31 Laurel Drive, Voluntown, CT 06384 Financial advisor offering portfolio management for individuals and/or small businesses


Day Breaks Diner: 800-564-5499, 43 Railroad Ave, Plainfield, CT 06374,  Breakfast and Lunch

Dunkin Donuts: 860-376-3728 251 Main Street (Rte. 138), Voluntown, CT 06384  Eat-in or take-out

Tamarack Lodge: 860-376-0224 21 Ten Rod Rd., Voluntown, CT 06384. Live music, events, bar, and food. Open weekends and special events (check website)

Town Grill and Pizzeria: 860-376-3378 104 Beach Pond Road (Rtes. 138 & 165), Voluntown, CT 06384 Lunch and dinner (take-out available) Kimon and Judy Dafoulas Facebook 


Chocolate Rose Bake Shop: 860-376-0014, 15 Potts Road, Griswold, CT 06361 Special occasion and wedding cakes; edible party favors

Shell Gas Station: 860-376-3007 24 hrs. 251 Main Street (Rte. 138), Voluntown, CT 06384 Convenience store

Sunny’s Food and Fuel: 860-376-3120 129 Main Street (Rte. 138), Voluntown, CT 06384  Grinders, deli (take-out), meat counter, beer, groceries

V-Town Package Store: 860-376-4643 144 Main Street (Rte. 138), Voluntown, CT 06384  Beer, wine, spirits, ice, kegs; special orders


Betsy’s Stand:  Betsy Molodich, 860-564-1117 49 Ekonk Hill Road (Rte. 49), Sterling, CT 06377 Flowers, fruits, vegetables and farm-raised beef

Buttonwood Farm, (Seasonal) 860-376-4081, 473 Shetucket Turnpike (Jct. Rtes. 165 & 201), Griswold, CT 06351 Farm fresh ice cream

Crankin’ Out T’s: (860) 373-8884, 104 Beach Pond Rd Unit 2, Voluntown, CT 06384, Custom T-Shirts, and accessories using heat press and embroidery serving, Gift shop featuring locally made products.

Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm (Brown Cow Cafe): 860-564-0248 227 Ekonk Hill Road (Rte. 49N), Moosup, CT 06354,  Homemade ice cream, sandwiches and fresh baked goods to-go (pies, doughnuts, muffins & cookies); farm-raised pork; grass-fed beef; free-range turkeys & geese; farm-raised chickens; variety of food items from local CT farms (milk cheeses, raw milk, honey, syrup, juice, sauces, relishes); gift items

Hartikka Tree Farm: (seasonal), David Hartikka, 860-376-2351, 262 Wylie School Road, Voluntown, CT 06384 Christmas trees, wreaths & garlands

LakeView Farm: (seasonal) Vincent Cofone 860-608-1147 14 Tabor Rd Griswold, CT 06351 Farm stand with seasonal produce, Voluntown Farmers Market vendor

Lavender Hill Farm & Gift Shop: Paulette and Kevin Batchek, 860-376-3775,  Lavenderalpacas@gmail.com 41 Beach Pond Road (Rte.165), Voluntown, CT 06384 Alpaca farm; fiber and art studio; gift items Facebook

Olsen’s Christmas Tree Farm (seasonal), Ron Olsen, 860-376-2370, 860-639-7545, Olsen9021@sbcglobal.net 319 Ekonk Hill Road (Rte. 49), Voluntown, CT 06384  Christmas trees; seasonal. Christmas specialty shop featuring CT jams, honey, maple syrup, crafts and wreaths

Peterson’s Patch Flower Farm: (seasonal), 401-487-5362, Specialty cut flowers from Sterling, CT flower farm. Voluntown Farmers Market vendor

Sadowski Farm: (seasonal) 60 Williams rd, Voluntown, CT 06384 Farm stand. Locally grown produce- tomatoes, garlic, pumpkins, corn and more.

Sisu Finn Soaps: Emily Allard, 860-639-9468, sisufinnsoaps@gmail.com, Handmade goat milk soaps & salves and gift items. Voluntown Farmers Market vendor.

Studio Farm Products: (seasonal)Dick and Dot Wingate, 860-591-4172, wingatedd@comcast.net, Corner of Sand Hill Rd and Route 49S (5 Sand Hill Road), Voluntown, CT 06384. Products grown using organically approved methods and seeds. Large and small vegetables, greens, seedlings, flowers, berries, fruit and honey.

Sunnyside Farm LLC: (860) 564-2012, 99 Campbell Mill Road, Voluntown, Connecticut 06384
Farm store specializing in local produce, goat milk soaps, lotions & other body care products, handcrafted gift items and more.

Voluntown Farmers Market: (seasonal July- October) PO Box 96, Voluntown, CT 06384,  edc@voluntown.gov

Wicks & Wags LLC  Kimberly LaRoche  860-705-2917  Lillibridge Avenue,  Voluntown
All-natural dog treats, hand-poured soy wax candles and other handcrafted items.  Facebook  Voluntown Farmers Market vendor.


Bronson’s Pools, Spas and TrueValue Hardware: 860-376-0605 129 Beach Pond Road (Rtes. 138 & 165), Voluntown, CT 06384  True Value hardware, camping supplies, pool, spa sales and service

Diromas Home and Garden:  860-591-1066 Facebook 1111 Voluntown Road (Rte. 138), Griswold,

Preston Trading Post:  860-886-1484 651 Rte. 165, Preston, CT 06365 Woodstoves, fireplaces and furnishing for hearth & home


Al D’s Construction, LLC: 860-230-8047, Al Daigneault 189 Bennett Rd. Voluntown, CT 06384

American Heating and Cooling: 860-376-3502, 365 Beach Pond Road (Rtes. 138 & 165), Voluntown, CT 06384,  Heating and air conditioning

Chimney Care Professionals: 860-376-3393, 29 Pleasant View Street, Griswold, CT

Cipriano Pluming and Heating: 860-334-1127, 616 Beach Pond Road (Rte. 165), Voluntown, CT 06384,  Heating and plumbing contractor

H.E.C Electric, LLC: Jim Couillard, 860-213-0253, 352 Shetucket Turnpike, Voluntown, CT 06384, Commercial and Residential Electrical work, hecelectric.ct@gmail.com

Irving Beauchamp’s Lawn Mowing Services: 401-439-7120 Pendleton Hill Road, ( Rte. 49 S) Voluntown 06384, Walleyeguy29@gmail.com

KDS Electric: Keith Stoll, 860-564-0616, 182 Congdon Road, Voluntown 06384 Keiths7757@yahoo.com

MacPhail Painting:  Bruce D. MacPhail (licensed), 860-376-2480, Interior/exterior, power-washing, wall-papering

McGuire Plumbing and Heating: 860-376-3388, 43 Lillibridge Avenue, Voluntown, CT 06384   Heating and plumbing contractor with 24 hour emergency service Licensed and insured

Smart Choice Pest Control:(860) 639-9488, Rmessier32@yahoo.com, Rick Messier, Pest control services

Stress Free Solutions Home Improvement: 860-608-9276 64 Bennett Circle, Voluntown, CT 06384 Full service renovations & repairs.

Town and Country Discount Oil:  860-376-6008 7 Preston City Road (Rte. 165), Voluntown, CT 06384  Home heating oil, diesel, off-road fuel

Water Damage Cleanup of Voluntown, CT:  800-267-6030/860-263-0188 Water and flood damage cleanup & restoration, document drying, mold removal, fire & smoke damage, sewage cleanup; emergency services for flood, wind, mold and fire


B&P Laundormat: 145 Beach Pond Road (Rtes. 138 & 165) next to Bronson’s, Voluntown, CT Coin operated, self-service.


Tamarack Lodge: 860-376-0224 21 Ten Rod Rd., Voluntown, CT 06384 A secluded oasis in the Connecticut woods, offering an enjoyable and relaxing get-away experience.

Roselodge Country Inn: 860-892-4739,  418 Jewett City Road (Rte. 164), Preston, CT Country breakfast, afternoon lemonade/cider & home-baked treats, evening wine. Free Wi-Fi


Beattie Brothers Logging and Firewood: 860-933-8736 209 Pendleton Hill Road, Voluntown, CT 06384 Logging, firewood, land clearing, mobile welding & fabrication, on site equipment repair and services

Campbell Mill Lumber, INC.: Richard Laiho, 860-564-5065 30 Stone Hill Road, Voluntown, CT 06384

Native Lumber:  860-376-0630 596 Pendleton Hill Road (Rte. 49S), Voluntown, CT 06384  Rough cut lumber and wood chips, cord wood, hardwood and softwood


Self Storage:  860-376-7300.  1065 Voluntown Road (Rte. 138), Griswold, CT Self-storage and U-Haul rentals


Gibson’s Music & More: (860) 884-9186, 39 Wedgewood Dr. In the Slater Mill Mall , Jewett City, CT, New & used musical instruments, records, lessons & repairs

Perfect Pitch Piano Servicing:   860-376-2485  Piano tuning, service, restorations and private lessons


North Shore Woods Cottage Rentals:  860-961-1996 and Facebook 168 North Shore Road, Voluntown, CT 06384  Vacation rentals

Wesa Real Estate:  Jack Wesa, 860-376-3969 / 860-961-0977 , 844 Pendleton Hill Road (Rte. 49S), Voluntown, CT 06384 Real estate sales


C C J Green Recycling:  860-376-8864 116 Beach Pond Road (Rtes. 138 & 165), Voluntown, CT 06384 Materials recovery facility, recycling

Voluntown/Sterling Transfer Sation:  860-564-7750 514 Brown Road, Voluntown, CT Waste management & recycling center – purchase of annual permit required.


Grabbit: 860-576-0413, 104 Beach Pond Rd, Voluntown, CT  Discount marketplace with a little bit of everything! All new merchandise.

Bronson’s Pools, Spas and TrueValue Hardware: 860-376-0605 129 Beach Pond Road (Rtes. 138 & 165), Voluntown, CT 06384  True Value hardware, camping supplies, cleaning supplies, paint and more.


Tamarack Lodge: 860-376-0224,  21 Ten Rod Rd., Voluntown, CT 06384 A secluded oasis in the Connecticut woods, offering an enjoyable and relaxing get-away experience, and a long history of hosting weddings, banquets, and special events.

Voluntown Peace Trust:  860-376-9970, 539 Beach Pond Road (Rte. 165), Voluntown, CT 06384